This course aims to explore two new dimensions of foreign language teaching and learning: intercultural education and flipped instruction. It is designed to provide a selective and critical overview of current approaches to intercultural and flipped foreign language instruction, and to apply these approaches into experiential learning activities. Relevant theoretical foundations of intercultural education and flipped instruction are critically examined to help students conduct needs analysis, make informed decisions of teaching materials and strategies, as well as evaluate learning outcomes. This course culminates with two group projects, allowing students to integrate theory and practice.
a) 瞭解跨文化與外語翻轉教學的理論與實踐;
b) 認識、分析、瞭解跨文化外語翻轉教與學的優點與挑戰,
c) 發展跨文化溝通能力與批判力,以在教學時靈活地運用不同教學法。
Course Objectives
This course intends to achieve three major objectives. Students will
a) understand and engage the theories and practices in the fields of intercultural education and flipped language instruction.
b) identify, analyze, and understand various benefits and challenges involved in intercultural and flipped foreign language teaching and learning.
c) develop intercultural communicative competence and critical awareness of applying intercultural and flipped teaching approaches into practice.