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學程招生海報 POSTER 2024 



International MA Credit Program on Creative Culture and Business Communication



第一條             學程名稱國際文創與商務溝通碩士學分學程以下簡稱本學程」。


Program Title: International MA Credit Program on Creative Culture and Business Communication, hereafter referred to as this Program.



第二條        設置宗旨Objectives

1.    培育學生跨文化溝通力與全球素養在國際人才高度流動的全球化時代國內外職場都需要具有跨文化視野的溝通人才

Intercultural Communication as a Global Competence: Intercultural competence and communication skills are highly needed at work in the age of globalization and rapid cultural exchanges.

2.    提供英語為溝通橋樑之跨文化溝通場域建立符合國際學生需求之英語學分學程吸引外籍生使來自不同文化的學生進行跨文化溝通

EMI program for FJCU’s Internationalization: EMI (English as Medium of Instruction) courses and programs are also strongly needed to enhance our school’s internationalization and provide students an arena for intercultural exchanges.

3.    發揮外語學院長處在學生之專業領域外增加跨文化溝通實務訓練整合外語學院跨文化多語種的師資運用文學文化語言教學翻譯文化政策專業知能導入企管人資銷售行銷公關設計媒體傳播等領域所需之溝通行銷與說故事能力以助學生發展跨學科與多元才能有利職場發展

CFLL Graduate Programs’ Highlight in Intercultural and Multimedia Education:  Utilizing CFLL’s human resources in 6 foreign languages and cultures to develop from the fields of literature, multimedia language education, translation and cultural policy the practical skills of intercultural communication, promotion and story-telling, in order to assist students to cross disciplines and find their niche in the job market to further develop their multiple talents.


第三條               設置單位及組織:本學程設置於本校外語學院召集人由外語學院院長聘任負責統籌學程內各項業務 任期三年連選得連任由相關系所推派委員7~11委員會每學年至少召開一次會議必要時得召開臨時會議組成國際文創與商務溝通碩士學分學程執行委員會」(以下簡稱本委員會),負責學程規則」、「課程辦法等之修訂及各項招生課程事務之執行委員會每學年至少召開會議一次必要時得召開臨時會議


This program is under the jurisdiction of the College of Foreign Languages; affairs, enrollment, and modification to the “program regulations” and “course guidelines” are the responsibilities of the Program of International MA Credit Program on Creative Culture and Business Communication Committee (hereafter referred to as the Committee). The Committee, with convener assigned by the Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, is composed of 7~11 members. No less than one meeting may be held per school year. Extraordinary sessions may be held when deemed necessary.


第四條               課程規劃:本學分學程規劃課程學分數為 12 學分,分為核心必修2 學分,必選


This program consists of 12 credit hours, of which 2 constitute required credits, 8 required elective credits, and 2 constitute elective credits.  At least one half (1/2) of the credits applied to this program must be from outside of the student’s credits required for his/her major, graduate institute, double major, or minor. A detailed list of courses may be found in the attachment.


第五條               學程學生修讀時若有課程科目名稱不同而性質相同或科目名稱內容相同而學分數不同時其課程性質與學分數之認定須經由學程召集人審查認定之

Final determination of transfer credit acceptance is made by the program convener in cases of discrepancies in the titles and credit numbers of the courses taken by students outside the program to fulfill the program requirements.


第六條               招生之相關規定Related Regulations

1.   招生對象本學分學程為碩士級。凡國內各大學院校研究生、大學部二年級以上學生皆可申請修讀,惟修讀本學分學程成績以70分為及格。

Target Students: All sophomores (and above) and graduate students enrolled at university in Taiwan are eligible for applicationmust reach at least 20 enrolled students before the curriculum may be officially commenced.

2.   報名日期依學校所訂定之時程辦理

Enrollment dates: in accordance with the University’s admission schedule.

3.   申請檢附資料 Application materials:

(1)   輔仁大學學生修讀學分學程申請表可另附英文申請動機

Fu Jen Application Form (may include motivation in English)

(2)   歷年成績單

Full Academic Transcript

(3)   語測成績單或其他英語能力證明無則免附

English proficiency test score report or other relevant evidence English tests (not required if unavailable)


第七條        本學程有隨班附讀與獨立開班課程若為獨立開班修讀者須依照本校收費標準繳納學分費

This program offers courses independently and with some related departments. Credit fees are defined and collected according to the University’s “Guidelines on the Establishment of Curricula and Credits.”


第八條         凡修畢本學程規定之科目與學分數者由本校發給本學程修讀證明書

All graduates who satisfy the course and credit requirements will receive proof of completion of studies from the program.


第九條        本規則未盡事宜依本校輔仁大學學程設置辦法之規定處理

All matters and questions not covered by these regulations are subject to the regulations and relevant laws promulgated by Fu Jen University.


第十條        本規則經外語學院課程委員會通過提經校課程委員會審議教務會議核備後公布施行修正時亦同

These regulations have passed the approval of the College of Foreign Languages’ Curriculum Committee, and are announced as effective after being raised for discussion by the university’s Curriculum Committee and having gained approval from the Academic Affairs Meeting. The same procedure shall appl


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