外交與國際事務學程 (學碩) 簡介  |   課程規畫  |   當期課程  |   檔案下載  |   公告
110.01.14. 109學年度學程課程委員會通過
第一條 學程名稱:外交事務學分學程(Foreign Affairs Credit Program),以下簡稱「本學分學程」。
第二條 設置宗旨:
1.      鼓勵學生發展涉外事務專業知識,培育具備外語能力、全球視野、獨立思考的人才,更進一步提升學生的國際競爭力與國際行動力。
2.      結合外語學院與法律學院師資,規劃理論與實務並重之課程,內容涵蓋外交、法律、政治、歐盟、國際事務等專業素養課程。
第三條 設置單位:本學分學程設置於本校外語學院,召集人由外語學院院長聘任之,負責統籌學分學程內各項業務,任期三年,連選得連任。另由相關系所推派委員5~7名,組成「外交事務學分學程執行委員會」(以下簡稱本委員會),負責「學程規則」、「課程科目表」等之修訂及各項招生、課程事務之執行。本委員會每學年至少召開會議一次,必要時得召開臨時會議。
第四條 課程規劃:本學分學程規劃課程學分數為10學分,均為必修課程。修習學程科目學分中,至少有1/2比例之學分數不得為學生主系、所、雙主修學系及輔系之必修學分。課程科目詳如附表
第五條 招生對象:本學分學程為碩士級。凡國內各大學院校研究生、大學部二年級以上學生皆可申請修讀,惟修讀本學分學程成績以70分為及格。
第六條 本學分學程修讀以隨班修習為原則,修習人數達 20 人以上,得另行開班,並依本校相關規定繳費。
第七條 凡修畢本學分學程規定之科目與學分數者,由本校發給本學程學分證明書。
第八條 本規則未盡事宜,依本校「輔仁大學學程設置辦法」之規定處理。
第九條 本規則經本學分學程執行委員會、外語學院課程委員會通過,提經校課程委員會審議,教務會議核備後公布施行。修正時亦同。

Fu Jen University Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs
Program and Credit Requirements

 Passed by 2nd Academic Affairs Meeting in the 2009 school year on March 31, 2010 

1.      Course and Credit Regulations for the cross-college/cross-disciplinary program in Diplomacy and Foreign Affairs (hereafter the Program) at Fu Jen University (hereafter the University)  are defined below and have been established by faculty from both the College of Foreign Languages and other relevant colleges.

2.     Purpose:

To provide courses in politics, law, history, economics, sociology, and other fields relevant to international affairs that will provide students with the cultural and linguistic knowledge necessary for the field. This Program is intended 1) to allow a higher percentage of students to satisfactorily pass common knowledge tests related to foreign languages; 2) to provide students with the basic knowledge necessary for working in the commercial field; 3) to foster in students an international perspective on diplomatic matters, news, financial matters, and legal matters.

3.   Establishing agent/organization: The College of Foreign Languages at this University is the establishing agent of this program. The Program shall establish a Curriculum Committee that shall be responsible for the formulation and promulgation of the Program and Credit Requirements as well as matters of enrolment and curriculum; this committee shall be convened by the Dean of the College of Foreign Languages, and joined by one member (a director or delegate) from each of the departments of English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and Italian. If circumstances warrant, the committee may appoint at most three additional members as well as define one to two members to act as vice conveners. The committee must convene at least once per academic semester.

4.     Faculty: The curriculum incorporated in this Program shall be administered by domestic and/or foreign professional educators from the field, whose employment is made according to the regulations of the University.

5.      Eligible students: The Program is established as an undergraduate program, and all eligible undergraduate and masters students may enrol.  Masters students may apply for study from their first academic year, while undergraduate students may apply from their second academic year; after approval from the Program Committee, the applicant students may begin their studies.

6.      The Program requires 20 credit hours for completion, of which 10 constitute required credits and 10 constitute elective credits. Required credits may not be reduced by credit waiver. At least one half (1/2) of the credits applied to this program must be from outside of the students credits required for his/her major, graduate institute, double major, or minor. A detailed list of courses may be found in the attachment.

7.      Tuition guidelines: Credit fees are defined and collected according to the Universitys Guidelines on the Establishment of Curricula and Credits.

8.      All graduates who satisfy the course and credit requirements will receive a certificate of completion of studies from the Program.

9.       Application and acceptance:

A.      College and year of study: Undergraduate students of first through third year, as well as masters and PhD students.

B.      Language proficiency: If deemed necessary, the language proficiency of applicants may be tested at the discretion of the directors of the relevant language fields in the College of Foreign Languages.

C.      Examination, acceptance, credit hour verification, and other similar duties shall be administered by the Programs Curriculum Committee

10.   These regulations have passed the approval of the Committee, and are announced as effective
after being raised for discussion by the University
s Curriculum Committee and having gained approval from the Academic Affairs Meeting. The same procedure shall apply to any amendment to these regulations.


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