E-Plan / English [英語] 2-08 颱風夜
情境動畫  |   文化解析  |   圖解詞語  |   文法句型  |   短文聽讀  |   跟讀練習  |   自我檢測  |   討論議題  |   學習活動  |   延伸學習

| 學習活動 |

A. Read information on the website:



B. Decide the statements to be true or false according to your reading.


_____ 1. People from the U.S. A. or Europe do not experience typhoon. (T)

_____ 2. Prepared items should last 2 days at least. (F)

_____ 3. Radio report updates weather conditions and rescue routes. (T)

_____ 4. After the big storm, people don’t contact each other. (F)

_____ 5. Going to areas which are just hit by landslide or flooding is necessaryif one wants to help. (F)


C. In a group of four members, decide the role you want to play.

There are four roles in this TV interview.

They are a weather reporter who is the host of this interview, a housewife, a foreigner, and a police officer.

You may use the listed words for each role when discussing the issue on Typhoon.


1.Host (Hurricane and Typhoon):

Vocabulary: strike, the same as, the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean

2.Housewife (Before Typhoon):

Vocabulary: warning, bottled water, food, first-aid kit, flashlight, batteries, garbage bags, last, minimum, three days

3.Foreigner (During Typhoon):

Vocabulary: radio, up-to-date, weather conditions, evacuation routes, dangerous areas, stay inside, safe to go out, dangerous, hit, by heavy debris

4.Police Officer (After Typhoon):

Vocabulary: sharp objects, flooding, landslide, stay away, check, see, neighbors, help, pull together, resources, friends and family  


D. Each conversation will be presented by PPT with topic sentences in it while group members are taking turns to speak in class.


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