文化深度之旅 義大利文藝復興 |  法國文化紀要 |  美國大街 |  西方文明史 |  中南美洲

墨樵 (Joseph Murphy)  與蘇文伶(Wen-ling Su)老師提供

This one-year course surveys major trends in Western Civilization from antiquity to the present day, with special emphasis on the history of art and ideas. Its chief objective is to help students develop a historical and global perspective on Western culture. This semester focuses on three major historical eras: Greek and Roman civilizations, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance. Class activities consist of brief lectures, group discussions, and multi-media presentations. Outside the classroom, students are required to take a field trip and attend regular film screenings.

[斷代] 中世紀時期 The Middle Ages
[斷代] 巴洛克時期 The Age of Baroque
[斷代] 北方文藝復興 Northern Renaissance
[斷代] 希臘時期 The Greeks
[斷代] 後現代主義 From Modernism to Postmodernism
[斷代] 浪漫時期The Romantics
[斷代] 啟蒙時期Enlightenment
[斷代] 現代主義 Modernism
[斷代] 現代主義研究 Modernism Survey
西方文明史 (一) / 墨樵、蘇文伶
Introduction to Western Civilization I / Joseph Murphy, Wen-ling Su
西方文明史 (二) / 墨樵、蘇文伶
Introduction to Western Civilization II / Joseph Murphy, Wen-ling Su


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